
十大菠菜台子 is committed to client-focused engineering and design leadership that helps imagine, 创建, 优化建筑环境. 第一步是了解客户的业务, 他们所属的行业, 以及他们的设施如何促成他们的成功.

We weave together our core MEP / FP engineering as well as a suite of Integrated 十大菠菜靠谱平台 under a single point of contact. Our coordinated in-house services streamline projects and reduce costs by limiting sub-consultants and improving project communication. The scope of our Integrated 十大菠菜靠谱平台 enables us to remain committed to our clients’ projects from concept through construction and ongoing optimization.



十大菠菜台子’s 3D scanning capabilities enable conditions for all project areas to be accurately captured by our in-house specialists in a matter of a few hours. 扫描机会可以包括架构布局, 天花板以上条件, 中央工厂, 设备的房间, 十大菠菜靠谱平台隧道, 屋顶, 和外观. These conditions can be delivered via complementary viewer as a registered point cloud with accompanying HDR imagery for use by all those involved in a project.




短路, Coordination and Arc Flash Analysis are three integral parts of electrical system maintenance and reliability. 十大菠菜台子's commissioning experts can help you ensure the safety and security of your critical electrical equipment.




The rapid evolution of construction codes at the national and local levels presents a challenge for design professionals and owners undertaking new and existing 构建ing projects. 随着建筑材料的进步,规范也随之发展, 方法, 和系统, the importance of code compliance as a central aspect of project delivery is continually reinforced. 十大菠菜台子’s code experts provide assistance with code review and regulatory approvals throughout the design and construction process to ensure that code compliance is achieved in all aspects of the project.




Operational efficiency 和系统 sustainability are two main objectives of any 构建ing operator. The goal of the 十大菠菜台子 调试 and Testing group is to ensure the owner’s project requirements are achieved, 在建筑使用寿命的任何时间点都提供最佳性能.




十大菠菜台子 能量+性能 is driven by a desire to connect high-performance engineering with insights gained from real-world improvements in existing 构建ing performance. We believe that lessons gained from optimizing today’s 构建ing operations must inform tomorrow’s 构建ing designs, the frontiers of high performance 构建ing design can also be used to inspire the optimization of today’s 构建ings.


火 & 生命安全

火 & 生命安全

火 and 生命安全 systems are vital to ensuring the safety and security of 构建ings and their inhabitants. 满足客户的目标并支持他们的设计需求, 十大菠菜台子提供全面的消防设计和咨询十大菠菜靠谱平台. 我们在火灾报警系统方面的工程专业知识, 消防喷淋和立管系统, 应急电力系统, 特殊危险抑制系统, and how to apply the 构建ing and fire code requirements to 构建ing systems.




从高层到建筑工程师, 能源已经成为每个参与项目的人的关键考虑因素. There are choices to be made concerning the types of energy for varying uses, 以及成本控制和经济激励. 我们的基础设施专家带来了丰富的经验和创新, 为各种规模的项目提供富有想象力的解决方案. Our solutions are particularly focused on facilitating plant preventive maintenance and offering operational flexibility for the system.


仪表 & 建筑控制

仪表 & 建筑控制

Building Management Systems (BMS) are constantly changing and converging with security, 火灾报警, 以及其他低压建筑系统. 我们的控制工程师精通实际操作的技术故障排除, 控制工程设计, 软件编程, 图形生成, 项目管理, 和销售. We have an in-depth understanding of the hardware and software of the actual manufacturers’ systems and how they are applied.




Lighting Design has the power to establish time and space for inhabitants; to highlight work and play; to change lives for the better; making architecture and interior design sing. Lightcraft是十大菠菜台子提供全方位十大菠菜靠谱平台的建筑照明设计部门. 我们的创意团队提供品质, 有远见的, and energy-efficient lighting design using the latest technologies to achieve the best possible outcome.




As facilities expand their offerings to meet the ongoing needs of their clients and users, 建筑和校园需要升级以支持这些变化. 现有建筑系统是否需要升级, 建筑物的增加需要额外的负荷, 或者在现有基础设施的基础上开发新的建筑, 十大菠菜台子的总体规划团队可以帮助您为未来做好准备.


机械、电气、管道 & 消防工程

机械、电气、管道 & 消防工程

作为我们的核心业务, our 机械、电气、管道 and 火 Protection engineers focus on providing our clients with better solutions to their unique project needs. Our highly experienced engineers and analysts continue to focus on new ways to design for the built environment amidst the evolving landscape and trends of the AEC industry. We 构建 flexible spaces and habitations to achieve high quality of convenience and comfort. 十大菠菜台子’s reputation has been cultivated through our fundamental principles of client-first service and engineering integrity.




十大菠菜台子’s Digital Twin and Smart Building consulting services seek to pilot you through the lifecycle of your Intelligent Building project. We believe that the right integrated technology and automation can help empower your teams to 创建, 治愈, 梦想, 构建, 和生产. Fully integrated Smart Building systems - powered by a performance-based Digital Twin and using the Internet of Things (IoT) - enhance the work and aspirations of those who occupy the spaces you are investing in.




State-of-the-art information technology is integral to every aspect of today’s 构建ings, 不仅仅是将结构的选区彼此连接起来, 但是组织, 个人, 并与世界其他地区合作. 随着世界变得越来越相互联系, it is vital for 构建ings to have the technological infrastructure to support future growth. 十大菠菜台子’s technology team works tirelessly to ensure that the spaces we design will allow our clients to meet their short and long-term needs.
